I am back again seeking more advice. I am seeing a therapist who will no longer be my therapist in about 2 or 3 weeks because they are moving. I want to discuss my past struggle with abusing over the counter drugs. I don't want to go in depth about it but I'd essentially take unhealthy doses of certain over the counter drugs for a cheap and easily accessible high as a coping mechanism.
My concerns are 1) It's too late to bring up something new during our last few sessions and 2) That my therapist would have to make a report or something that could harm my chances at say school or the work place.
I know these laws vary by country, state, age, etc so I want to add I'm 18 and in America. Thank you!
I would make sure to talk about the subject with your next therapist. Good luck to you, Samuel. I hope you are in good spirits...